Zac comes back to claim victory in the fifth


Zac Alexander (AUS) bt Todd Harrity (USA) 3-11, 6-11, 11-4, 13-11, 13-11

In a thrilling five game finish to the event on a beautiful sunny Sunday afternoon, Australian Zac Alexander avenged two recent losses to his opponent, American Todd Harrity. Zac is the second Australian to lay his hands on the Rochester ProAm title since Ryan Cuskelly’s Rochester triumph in 2009.


Todd looked comfortably on his way to seal the match after the first two games with both players playing at a high pace but Todd’s volleys eventually getting the better of Zac. In the third, Zac appeared to work the front corners, especially the right, very effectively to his advantage and quickly got a game under his belt. The fourth and fifth games saw both players neck to neck in points with the pace slowing down only slightly. 10-8 up in the fifth, Todd squandered two match balls eventually conceding to a gritty Zac.


Final presentation:

Full match replay via UStream:


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