Can you host a world-class squash player in your home during the ProAm tournament?
Hosts will also have the option to host one or more players coming for the Amateur tournament on April 26 and/or 27. Out of town amateur players are invited to join us for the quarter finals and the Friday Squash Social. 2024 is the first year that we are offering amateur players from neighboring communities (e.g. Ithaca, Geneva, and Buffalo) the opportunity to stay with Rochester hosts. Please consider hosting an amateur player. if you would enjoy meeting squash players from neighboring communities, this is an opportunity for you.
One of the fun things about our pro tournament each year is the community involvement in embracing and welcoming players of many nationalities to our city. As one of our long time host families has repeatedly said to us:
We always get back more than we give!
Many players return to Rochester because of the hospitality, and in turn many people house players each year because of the positive interaction they have enjoyed on and off the court with players in the past. Our hosts enjoy getting to to know these charming professional athletes on a personal level. Many develop and maintain relationships with these players long after the tournament is over. We hope more new people can come forward and help us make our event a great experience for everyone involved!
Players start arriving on Tuesday, April 23, some may only arrive on Thursday, but most will have arrived by Wednesday, April 24. Most players usually do not stay for the tournament duration. Players may need to be picked up at the airport or directed to your home. The tournament committee will coordinate the player’s arrival with you and arrange transport from airport if required.
Your player may need to be transported to the University of Rochester Goergen Athletic Center for practice and/or matches, and provided at least one meal a day. Some players have their own transportation. If you are unable to provide transport, let the tournament committee know and we will arrange transportation. Players will spend a majority of their day at the venue, but may ask to go back home to rest. The tournament committee will provide additional transportation as required.
If you would like to host a player or volunteer transport help in driving the players to and from the courts please contact us or DM us on Twitter.
Court area volunteers –
If you would like to volunteer to provide court area support (this includes, cleanup, registration help, general support, match reporting, videography/photography) please contact us .